Permits or parking passes are required
A permit or parking pass is required to park in any parking lot on campus – this includes all visitors.
Students, faculty and staff may purchase parking for fall and spring semesters via our online portal.
Visitors may purchase a daily parking pass through our online portal or pay for hourly parking Via the Amp park app to park in our pay-to-park lots.
Your license plate is your permit (after it is registered and the permit fee is paid). Your license plate must be 100% accurate, or you may receive a ticket.
Purchasing a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space, but affords the permit holder an opportunity to park in authorized parking areas when a space is available. Please see the campus parking map for parking options specific to your permit. Parking in lots NOT specific to your permit may result in parking citations.
Vehicle Registration
License plate information is required for all annual permits. Please have this information available when you order your permit online.
- Only 1 vehicle is allowed on each of the following permits, Resident Hall Permits, Commuter Permits, Resident Hall Reserved Permits and Value Permits.
- For multiple car households(siblings, step-siblings etc.) from same household, contact the Parking Manager 970.248.1922 or 970.248.1931 to allow for more than 1 vehicle per permit.
- If you change vehicles, get new license plates etc, YOU are responsible for updating your permit with the current plate number. Failure to do so may result in a parking citation.
When and where is parking enforced?
All lots are enforced from 6 am until 6 pm, Monday through Friday (unless otherwise posted).
Resident Hall Reserved Lots and Retail lots (Lucero apts/suites retail area) are enforced 24/7 – including weekends!!
Pay to Park, Retail parking, Resident Hall Reserved lots, Reserved Lots, loading zones, handicapped spaces and fire lanes are enforced all year, even during college breaks (Move-in/Move-out).
Parking System Procedures
Statement of Authority: These rules shall be in effect from August 1, 2024, through July 30, 2025.
1.2 "Employee" means a person who is employed by Colorado Mesa University as a full-time, part-time, temporary employee, or adjunct as defined in the Department of Human Resources Policy manual.
1.3 "Contractor" means anyone conducting business under contract of the University and who is not included under the definitions for faculty/staff, student or visitor.
1.4 "Student" means a person who is enrolled to take classes at Colorado Mesa University during any semester of the current fiscal year.
1.5 "Student Employee" means a person who is employed by Colorado Mesa University as an enrolled student, non-enrolled student or work-study student. This person is considered to be a student.
1.6 "Distinguished Visitor" is a permit issued from the President's office to visitors.
1.7 "Visitor" a visitor is anyone visiting the University who is not included under the definitions for faculty/staff, student or contractor.
1.8 "Traffic Control Devices" include all permanent or temporary signs, signals, markings, cones, barrels, barricade tape, traffic lights installed by The Department of Parking Services for the purpose of regulating, warning, prohibiting, or guiding pedestrian or motor vehicle traffic.
1.9 "Motor Vehicle" all vehicles which are self-propelled by an engine or mechanical device (other than bicycles) that may or may not require a state license, including but not limited to, automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and motor scooters. Does not include trailers, busses, motor homes or limousines.
1.10 "Bicycle" any device propelled by human power upon which a person can ride (including skateboards). It may have one or more wheels.
1.11 "Park/Parking" leaving a motor vehicle, occupied or not, with or without the engine running.
1.12 "Citation (Notice of Violation)" a document issued by a Parking Enforcement Officer for a violation of Colorado Mesa University Parking/Traffic Rules and Regulations.
1.13 "Abandoned Vehicle" a vehicle parked on Colorado Mesa University property for 14 consecutive days and not registered with the Parking Services Office.
2.2 Student motor vehicle registration must be completed by the start of classes each semester and session.
2.3 Employee motor vehicle registration must be completed within three (3) calendar days of their hire date.
2.4 Vehicle registration is complete only when the permit fee has been paid.
2.5 Parking permits expire whenever one of the following occurs:
- The expiration date is reached.
- The eligibility for parking privileges changes.
- Parking privileges are revoked.
2.6 Parking permits may only be used by the person who was issued the permit.
2.7 Employees, students and people residing on campus who wish to register a vehicle must provide the Parking Services Office with their current resident address and must notify the Parking Services Office of any change in their current resident address and contact information (Phone number, Email).
2.8 All outstanding parking violations must be paid before a permit will be issued.
3.1 Registration fees shall be paid according to the following schedule:
- Reserved Parking Permits: $189.00
- Residence Hall Reserved Parking Permits: $138.00
- Residence Hall Parking Permits: $93.00
- Commuter Parking Permits: $77.00
- Faculty/Staff Parking Permits: $77.00
- Value Parking Permits: $35.00
- Motorcycle Parking Permits: $19.00
3.2 Refund Request:
- All refunds must be requested in-person at the Parking Services office during normal business hours or by email to [email protected].
- Requests for refund must include, Full Name, 700#, date and reason for refund.
- No refunds will be accepted after 8 weeks into the fall or spring semester.
- Prorated refunds will be granted at the end of the fall semester for graduating students and non-returning faculty and staff.
- All permit refunds are pro-rated based on the number of weeks left in the semester.
- All refunds are credited to student, faculty and staff banner accounts.
- Credits will be applied to the balance on the banner account, any credit balance remaining will be mailed.
3.3 The registration of a vehicle on campus does not guarantee a parking place but affords the registrant an opportunity to park in authorized parking areas when parking space is available.
4.2 Ownership of a parking permit, other than a Reserved permit, does not guarantee a parking place on campus. Parking for all permit holders is on a first come first serve basis.
4.3 All vehicles must park within a parking space. Parking spaces are marked with paint in all paved lots or with bumper blocks in all dirt lots. All vehicles must be parked aligned with the bumper block in all lots that have bumper blocks to be considered parked within the space.
4.4 Residence Hall Parking Lots: Only available to students living in the Residence Halls. Residence Hall only lots are RH5, RH10, RH14, RH16, RH17, RH20, RH23, RH28. Residence Hall or Value permits are the only types of permits that a student living on campus will be allowed to purchase. Residence Hall lots are designated yellow. These lots are enforced Monday through Friday, 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, during the school year.
Purchasing a Resident Hall parking permit does not guarantee a parking space, but affords the permit holder an opportunity to park in ANY parking lot that your permit allows if a space is available. All Resident Hall spaces are on a first come first served basis.* Resident Hall parking lots are NOT SPECIFIC or DESIGNATED to the closest Resident Hall or area. If a lot is full, you must then check for availability in other lots on campus that your permit allows you to park in. Resident Hall Reserved lots and Reserved lots are the only lots that are specific to an area or lot.
4.5 Residence Hall Reserved Parking Lots: Only available to students living in the Residence Halls paying a premium rate for a parking space. Reserved Lots include RHR2, RHR7, RHR10, RHR14, RHR28, RHR29. Residence Hall Reserved Lots are designated green. Persons with a reserved permit will be allowed to park in any spot within their designated specific reserved lot (Ex. An RHR2 permit can only park in lot RHR2, An RHR10 permit can only park in RHR10, etc). Parking in any RHR lot without the proper permit will result in a citation. (Students with these permits can also park in any RESIDENT HALL LOT'S.) These lots are enforced seven days a week, year-round, including weekends, move-in/move-out.
4.6 Commuter Parking Lots: Available to staff, faculty, and off-campus students only. Commuter only lots are CP1, CP3, CP6, CP7, CP8, CP9, CP10, CP11 (University Center Structure spaces 339-572), CP12, CP13, CP14, CP15, CP16, CP19 and CP28. Faculty/Staff Permits are NOT valid in the UC Structure. Commuter Lots are designated red. These lots are enforced 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, during the school year except for Lots CP1, CP8, and CP12, which will be enforced Monday through Friday, 6:00 am to 4:00 pm, during the school year.
4.7 Faculty/Staff Parking Lots: Lots can be used by faculty/staff permit holders only. Faculty/staff only parking is available in FS1, FS2, FS3 and FS4. These lots are enforced 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, during the school year. Faculty/Staff lots are designated purple.
4.8 Value Parking Lots: Only available to Value permit holders. Value only lots are V2, V3 and V4. Value permits are available to students living on or off campus and to faculty and staff. Value Lots are designated orange. These lots are enforced 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, during the school year. This permit is only Valid in any of the Value lots.
4.9 Reserved Parking Lots: Available to Faculty/Staff paying a premium rate for a parking space. Reserved Lot R7 . Reserved Lots are designated blue. Persons with a reserved permit will be allowed to park in any spot within their designated reserved lot (Ex. Permit R709 can only park in lot R7). This lot is enforced 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, year round.
4.10 Pay Parking Lots: Pay per hour parking ($2 per hour) is available to faculty, staff, students and visitors. Pay Lots include the University Center Parking Structure(P1) (spaces 311-338), P2, P3, P4, P5 and P6. Pay Lots are designated brown. These lots are enforced 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, year-round (6:00 am to 4:00 pm, M-F for P6 only).
4.11 Motorcycle Parking Lots: There are nine motorcycle parking lots. (1) East of Lowell Heiny Hall off of 12th Street, (2) University Center Structure (CP 11, corners with motorcycle signage), (3) Lot CP8 west of Walker Field, (4) Lot CP1 (lower level, NE corner), (5) South end of M26 near the Wellness Center, (6) North end of M16 near the Health Science Building, (7) South/West corner of RH5, (8) West side of CP6, and (9) South side of Elm Avenue (CP19) near Confluence Hall. Motorcycles must have a visible permit and are not allowed in any of the other lots, except for Pay lots. Motorcycle lots are designated Black and are small and rectangular. Motorcycle Parking Lots are enforced from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, during the school year.
4.12 Distinguished Visitor Passes: Distinguished Visitor Passes allow visitors to park in any lot except for Reserved Lots. Distinguished Visitor Passes are issued by the President's office only.
4.13 Retail Parking: Retail parking located at Lucero Suites on North Avenue is strictly for the customers frequenting those businesses. Any person that receives a ticket for parking in this lot can simply take the ticket into the retailer that they were doing business with, as they have the ability to have the ticket voided. You can also appeal the ticket and provide a picture of your receipt in the appeal. You cannot visit a retail business and leave your car in the lot to go to class. The retailers regularly contact us and point out vehicles that they have witnessed park and the occupant walk to campus for class or their dorm.
5.2 Your license plate is your permit. Vehicles must be parked in a manner in which the license plate can be easily seen by a Parking Enforcement Officer.
5.3 Only one vehicle per permit is permitted on campus.
6.3 Any visitor permit other than the permits issued out of the Parking Services Office will be invalid and subject to penalties and fines.
7.3 Faculty and staff may only purchase Reserved, Faculty/Staff or Value parking permits.
7.4 Service Contractors may obtain contractor permits from the Parking Services Office.
8.3 If all handicapped parking spaces are full in an area, a vehicle displaying a handicapped license plate or handicapped placard may park in any available non-reserved parking space.
9.2 For certain events, entire lots or portions of the lots serving certain facilities may be restricted to vehicles with permits for the event.
10.2 Fines are payable to the Colorado Mesa University. All payments can be paid online or at the Student Accounts desk located in Lowell Heiny Hall. Open citations may be viewed at
10.3 Persons who accumulate five or more parking violation notices or more than $100 dollars in unpaid fines will be subject to the following additional penalties:
- A hold will be placed on student registration for classes and academic transcripts.
- CMU vehicle registration will be denied.
- The vehicle may be impounded or fit with a boot.
10.4 All citations not paid or appealed within 10 days will be billed to student or faculty/staff accounts.
10.5 The following constitute parking violations and penalties:
a. Parking on a curb or sidewalk: $30 fine
b. Failure to display permit properly: $30 fine
c. Failure to park within the boundaries of a space: $30 fine
d. Overtime in a pay lot: $30 fine
e. Contractors not permitted on campus: $30 fine
f. Parking in violation of a posted sign: $30 fine
g. Parking without obtaining proper permit: $30 fine
h. Motorcycle or moped in unauthorized area: $30 fine
i. Parking a vehicle in a motorcycle area: $30 fine
j. No parking zone: $30 fine
k. Parking in a service drive: $30 fine
l. Obstructing crosswalk or alley: $30 fine
m. Overtime in a loading zone: $30 fine
n. Unauthorized trailer parked on campus: $30
o. Shared Permit Violation: $30
p. Parking in a reserved lot without proper permit: $75
q. Driving on grass or landscape: $50 fine
r. Driving into a barricaded area: $75 fine
s. Obstructing access to a fire lane: $100 fine
t. Parking in a manner that obstructs traffic: $75 fine
u. Parking in a handicapped space: $150 fine
v. Displaying a permit not issued to vehicle: $75 fine
w. Displaying a permit reported lost or stolen: $75 fine
x. Unauthorized parking in a Retail Space: $50 fine
y. Removing or attempting to remove an immobilization device: $75 fine
z. Boot Fee: $15 fine
11.1 Citations may be appealed to the Parking Appeals Committee within ten (10) days of the citation issue date. You must submit your appeal online; paper forms are no longer accepted. Appeals should be submitted online at
11.2 The Parking Appeals Committee will review the circumstances surrounding the issuance of the citation(s) and provide a decision to the appellant. This decision is considered binding and constitutes the final disposition of the appeal.
11.3 Any person receiving a notice of violation/citation for a parking violation on campus has the right to appeal the citation. All appeals must be received online within 10 days of issuance of the citation. Failure to file an appeal within this time will result in the violator's forfeiture of the privilege of appeal.
11.4 The burden of proof in the appeal lies with the appellant. Denial of an appeal makes the designated fine due and payable within 10 days of the decision.
11.5 The following are not grounds for appeal: (1) lack of available parking, (2) unfamiliarity with College parking rules and regulations, (3) short time in violation areas, (4) failure to observe posted signs, (5) class/instruction ran late, (6) non-receipt of the violation.
12.1 RVs, Campers, and Trailers are not allowed to be parked on campus without obtaining prior permission from Parking Services.
12.2 RVs, Campers, and Trailers parked on campus without permission are subject to fines and may be towed.
13.1 Motorcycle and Low-Power Scooter parking is restricted to motorcycle lots. Parking in automobile spaces is prohibited in all areas except Pay-to-Park Spaces when paying for hourly parking.
13.2 Motorcycles parked on Colorado Mesa University property must be registered with the Parking Services Office and obtain the proper permit.
13.3 Low-power scooters parked on campus must display a valid State of Colorado Low-Power Scooter Registration sticker.
13.4 Motorcycles, Low-power scooters, mopeds, and gas-motorized bicycles are prohibited from parking at bicycle racks and driving on campus sidewalks.
14.1 Vehicles will be considered abandoned when parked on Colorado Mesa University property for 14 consecutive days, and are not registered with the Parking Services Office.
14.2 Vehicles considered abandoned on Colorado Mesa University property are subject to fines, and will be towed at the owners expense.